The third class of Convenience Store News’ Future Leaders
in Convenience awards program has a diverse selection of
up-and-comers, including OnCue’s Norah McNeil, Human
Resources Manager.
The goal of this annual awards program is to celebrate and
help develop the next generation of the convenience industry
leaders by recognizing the achievements of a select few
emerging leaders, while providing a forum for talented
young business people to hone their leadership skills.
McNeil is an integral part of the Human Resource
Department at OnCue. She has been with the company for
more than 10 years, with 400 employees when she began to
over 1,200 employees company-wide currently.
She consistently goes above and beyond to ensure that
OnCue’s mission is represented in all aspects of our
organization, supporting our ability to serve customers.
“I am honored to be selected for this achievement and
extremely grateful to be able to work for a company that
has encouraged me to grow along with it,” said McNeil.
McNeil has positively affected OnCue’s workplace in
many ways, including prioritizing employee feedback
and implementing ways to meet their needs. She was a
strong advocate for the creation of the Employee Advisory
Committee, which she now facilitates with the President of
the company.
“Working in Human Resources isn’t always pretty, but
being able to build relationships with all of our team
members and assist in molding our future leaders brings
me so much enjoyment and satisfaction. I work with some
truly amazing people and wouldn’t be where I am today
without all of you.”